1415 Shrader in Cole Valley just came on the market, and it’s perfect for buyers who love tiny houses and minimalist, stark finishes.
The home originally started construction in the early 2000s, and was completed in 2004. It last sold in 2011 for $849,000, and the current owners have since renovated the kitchen and bath, along with other components of the property:
This one bedroom/one bath home is only ten feet wide—less than half the width of a standard San Francisco home. But it sits on a relatively deep, 94.8′ lot. At first glance from the street, it looks like a bizarre extension of the Spanish Mediterranean style home next door. The lot size is 948 square feet, and the home itself is 1,030 square feet. This is all larger than your bonafide tiny house, but it’s considered to be pretty small even by San Francisco standards.
List price is $1,295,000 for this condo alternative on a great block in the neighborhood. Thinking of writing an offer? Comp this one out with small houses in Cole Valley and adjacent neighborhoods—or one-bedroom standalone condos/cottages in the area.
[Photos courtesy of McGuire Real Estate]