If you’re a San Francisco homeowner who’s considering selling your property in the next few months, here’s some motivation for you: San Francisco continues to experience low inventory levels. Buyers continue to flock to properties as if there were fire sales going on, and don’t seem to be averse to paying more than they would have paid last year. And it doesn’t look like this activity level will abate anytime soon.
I wanted to post this nifty chart that tracks inventory levels from July 2010 to July 2012. As you can see, we’re at a four-year low where inventory is concerned:
What this means for homeowners is that if you’re considering selling, this Fall will be a great time. Put your house on the market anytime after Labor Day and through the beginning of December. Buyers will be out in full force, and you can take advantage of the low inventory level to get the most money possible for your property.