Here’s a look at the price averages for the three areas of the Sunset in the last quarter. Though the Sunset neighborhoods can feel a bit out of the way and foggy, you can find some of the best values there.
Inner Sunset
Single-Family Homes
$1,001,667 (6 sold)
Take note: House prices remained very reasonable in the Inner Sunset in the last quarter. A lovely 3BR/2BA home with two-car parking at 4th Avenue and Hugo sold at its $1,195,000 asking price.
$754,600 (5 sold)
Central Sunset
Single-Family Homes
$826,854 (15 sold)
Take note: The Central Sunset saw many homes change hands, with a bulk of the selling prices ranging from the mid-$700,000s to $800,000s.
None sold
Outer Sunset
Single-Family Homes
$703,167 (12 sold)
Take note: Most house sales in this past quarter were in the $600,000-$700,000 range.
$665,000 (1 sold)
Take note: The sole condo sale took place at 45th Ave and Lincoln, where a new-construction, 3BR/2BA, first-floor condo in a two-unit building sold for $34,000 under its asking price after 122 days on market.